Optimise your reintegration process with help from our experts
Which major changes in laws and regulations are set to be introduced that you do well take into account as an employer? What is new on 1 January 2024 and beyond? Below is an overview of the social-legal changes that will impact your work organisation.
Disconnecting is about being able to switch off from work, something we can all do with. How do you go about implementing this in such a way that it works?
Employers see employees' mental well-being through rose-tinted glasses: 8 out of 10 think their staff are doing well to very well. The latter group certainly doesn't always experience it that way, according to a survey of more than 2,500 Belgian employees by Acerta and Stepstone.
Women are performing more working hours and are less and less opting to take any kind of career break. Nevertheless, part-time parental leave continues to be a popular formula. Not only among mothers: fathers are also taking parental leave more often.
These are challenging times for you as an employer, but your employees also have financial challenges today. How do you recognise employees with financial problems? And how can you deal with that in your organisation?
The reintegration pathway for disabled workers will be changing from 1 October 2022. The changes are part of the broader reform plan around dealing with the long-term sick. We are providing you with an overview of the main new features of the reintegration pathway 2.0.
Rising gas and energy prices are confronting employers and employees with high energy bills. Companies are looking for solutions to meet these challenges. What is legally possible and permissible?